// Copyright 2001 Ken Perlin package render; /** Provides the computational functionality to render geometric objects in realtime. @author Ken Perlin 2001 */ import java.util.*; public class Renderer { private String notice = "Copyright 2001 Ken Perlin. All rights reserved."; /** Flag controls table lookup mode for materials, true means on. */ public static boolean tableMode = true; /** Set the level of detail for meshes. */ public int lod = 1; /** Shows/overlays the geometry mesh in black when true. */ public boolean showMesh = false; /** Allocate space for transparent objects when true. */ public boolean updateTransparency = true; /** Flag that determines whether to keep a z-buffer of geometries, to to know the frontmost object at any position (x, y) in the image. @see #getGeometry(int x, int y) */ public boolean bufferg = false; /** Determines whether the camera tries to maintain a "heads up" orientation. */ public boolean isHeadsUp = false; //--- PUBLIC METHODS /** Initializes the renderer. @param W framebuffer width @param H framebuffer height. @return framebuffer array. */ public int[] init(int W, int H) { int[] pix = new int[W * H]; init(W, H, pix); return pix; } public void init(int W, int H, int pix[]) { nLights = 0; world = new Geometry(); this.pix = pix; this.W = W; this.H = H; Matrix.identity(camera); computeCamera(); } /** Initializes the renderer. @param W framebuffer width @param H framebuffer height. @return framebuffer array. */ public synchronized int[] reinit(int W, int H) { this.W = W; this.H = H; pix = new int[W * H]; Arrays.fill(pix, 0); zbuffer = null; gzbuffer = null; return pix; } /** If the user is interactively dragging the mouse, we want the renderer to know about it, so that any other background process (eg: a material which is building a lookup table) can ask the renderer, and thereby avoid consuming scarce CPU resources simultaneously. @param tf dragging true or false */ public static void setDragging(boolean tf) { dragging = tf; } /** Returns whether dragging is active or not. @return true when dragging is active, false otherwise */ public static boolean isDragging() { return dragging; } /** Forces an absolute value for the camera matrix. @param theta horizontal angle (radians) @param phi vertical angle (radians) */ public synchronized void setCamera(double theta, double phi) { Matrix.identity(camera); changeCamera(theta, phi); } /** Sets whether the camera tries to maintain a "heads up" orientation. @param tf value true or false */ public void headsUp(boolean tf) { isHeadsUp = tf; } /** Sets the camera's focal length. @param value focal lengh */ public void setFL(double value) { FL = value; } /** Returns the camera's focal length * @return camera's focal length */ public double getFL() { return FL; } /** Sets the camera field of view. @param value field of view */ public void setFOV(double value) { FOV = value; } /** Returns the camera field of view. @return value field of view */ public double getFOV() { return FOV; } /** Returns the root of the geometry tree. @return the root of the geometry tree. */ public Geometry getWorld() { return world; } /** Set the background fill color. */ public void setBgColor(double r, double g, double b) { bgColor = pack(f2i(r), f2i(g), f2i(b)); } /** * Set the background fill color. */ public void setBgColor(int color) { bgColor = color; } /** * Returns the background color. */ public int getBgColor() { return bgColor; } /** Add a light source where x,y,z are light source direction; r,g,b are light source color. */ public void addLight(double x, double y, double z, double r, double g, double b) { placeLight(nLights, x, y, z); colorLight(nLights, r, g, b); nLights++; } /** Returns the number of lights in the scene. @return the number of lights */ public int getNumberOfLights() { return nLights; } /** Moves an already defined light i, to point in the new direction of normalized [x, y, z]. @param i the index of the light to be changed @param x x direction of the light @param y y direction of the light @param z z direction of the light */ public void placeLight(int i, double x, double y, double z) { double s = Math.sqrt(x * x + y * y + z * z); light[i][0] = x / s; light[i][1] = y / s; light[i][2] = z / s; } /** Assigns new color values to the light i. @param i index of the light to change @param r the red color component value @param g the green color component @param b the blue color component */ public void colorLight(int i, double r, double g, double b) { light[nLights][3] = r; light[nLights][4] = g; light[nLights][5] = b; } /** Rotate angle of view. */ public synchronized void rotateView(double t, double p) { theta += t; phi += p; computeCamera(); } static double a1[] = { 0, 0, 0 }; /** * flag that enables full manual camera control for setting camera location, aim target, and the up vector. * (default = false). * When true you can use : {@link #lookAt}, {@link #setCameraPos}, {@link #setCameraAim}, {@link #setCameraUp}. * When false you can use : {@link #setCamera(double, double)} */ public boolean manualCameraControl = false; /** * Sets the camera to move to the eye position, aim at the center, and maintain the up direction * ( requires the {@link #manualCameraControl} flag to be turned on). * @param eye new position of the camera ( double[x, y, z] ) * @param center aim point of the camera ( double[x, y, z] ) * @param up unit vector specifying the up direction in the world ( double[x, y, z] ) */ public void lookAt(double[] eye, double[] center, double[] up) { for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { cameraPos[i] = eye[i]; cameraAim[i] = center[i]; cameraUp[i] = up[i]; } computeCamera(); } /** Returns the matrix that defines the camera transformation. @return the matrix that defines the camera transformation */ public Matrix getCamera() { return camera; } /** Sets the camera matrix directly. Matrix needs to be 4x4. */ public void setCamera(Matrix m) { camera.copy(m); } /** * Sets the position of the camera. * ( requires the {@link manualCameraControl} flag to be turned on). */ public void setCameraPos(double px, double py, double pz) { cameraPos[0] = px; cameraPos[1] = -py; cameraPos[2] = pz; computeCamera(); } /** * returns the current position of the camera */ public double[] getCameraPos() { double cp[] = new double[3]; System.arraycopy(cameraPos, 0, cp, 0, 3); return cp; } /** * Sets the aiming point at which the camera should point. * ( requires the {@link manualCameraControl} flag to be turned on). */ public void setCameraAim(double px, double py, double pz) { cameraAim[0] = px; cameraAim[1] = py; cameraAim[2] = pz; computeCamera(); } /** * returns the current target look-at point of the camera */ public double[] getCameraAim() { double cp[] = new double[3]; System.arraycopy(cameraAim, 0, cp, 0, 3); return cp; } /** * Sets the cameraUp vector (must be a unit vector). * ( requires the {@link manualCameraControl} flag to be turned on). * @param px * @param py * @param pz */ public void setCameraUp(double px, double py, double pz) { cameraUp[0] = px; cameraUp[1] = py; cameraUp[2] = pz; computeCamera(); } /** * returns the current up vector of the camera */ public double[] getCameraUp() { double cp[] = new double[3]; System.arraycopy(cameraUp, 0, cp, 0, 3); return cp; } /** * Sets the distance of the clipping plane in front of the camera lens. * @param e the actual disance */ public void setClippingPlaneEpsilon(double e) { epsilonPlane = e; } /** * Returns the distance of the clipping plane from the camera lens. * @returns the distance of the clipping plane from the camera lens. */ public double getClippingPlaneEpsilon() { return epsilonPlane; } /** Render the entire world for this frame. */ public synchronized void render() { computeCamera(); // UPDATE CAMERA MATRIX a1[0] = camera.get(0, 0); a1[1] = camera.get(1, 0); a1[2] = camera.get(2, 0); //inverseCamera.invert(camera); if (isAnaglyph) { anaglyphEye = 0; if (isOutline) isAnaglyph = false; refresh(); clearScreen(); isAnaglyph = true; cX = -.1 * FL; renderWorld(); if (isOutline) convertToOutline(); anaglyphEye = 1; cX = .1 * FL; refresh(); clearScreen(); renderWorld(); if (isOutline) convertToOutline(); } else { clearScreen(); // BLANK OUT RESULTS FROM PREVIOUS FRAME renderWorld(); // RENDER EVERYTHING IN SCENE if (isOutline) convertToOutline(); } } void convertToOutline() { int zn, z0, zp, dz1, dz2; for (int y = Math.max(1, TOP); y < Math.min(BOTTOM, H - 1); y++) for (int x = Math.max(1, LEFT); x < Math.min(RIGHT, W - 1); x++) { int i = xy2i(x, y); zn = zbuffer[i - 1]; z0 = zbuffer[i]; zp = zbuffer[i + 1]; dz1 = Math.abs(z0 - zn); dz2 = Math.abs(zp - z0); if (dz1 > 20 * dz2 || dz2 > 20 * dz1) if (isAnaglyph) pack(pix, i, 0, 0, 0); else pix[i] = black; else { boolean isEdge = edge(pix[i],pix[i+1]) + edge(pix[i],pix[i+W]) > threshold; if (isAnaglyph) { int c = isEdge ? 0 : 255 + (anaglyphEye==0 ? getR(pix[i]) : getG(pix[i])) >> 1; pack(pix, i, c,c,c); } else pix[i] = isEdge ? black : whiten(pix[i]); } } } int whiten(int packed) { return packed == white ? white : 0xff000000 | ((0xfefefe & packed) >> 1) + 0x7f7f7f; } /** Returns the outline threshold parameter for sketch-like (artistic) rendition of the scene. */ public double getOutline() { return outline_t; } /** Thresholds t to produce a sketch-like (artistic) rendition of the scene. @param t outline threshold */ public void outline(double t) { outline_t = t; isOutline = (t > 0); if (isOutline) threshold = (int) (256 * t * t); refresh(); } private int edge(int p, int q) { int dr = getR(p) - getR(q), dg = getG(p) - getG(q), db = getB(p) - getB(q); if (isAnaglyph) switch (anaglyphEye) { case 0: return 3*dr*dr; case 1: return 3*dg*dg; } return dr * dr + dg * dg + db * db; } /** Force a refresh of the entire window. */ public synchronized void refresh() { LEFT = 0; TOP = 0; RIGHT = W; BOTTOM = H; } //------------------- PRIVATE METHODS --------------------- // CONVERT PIXEL (X,Y) TO INDEX INTO pix ARRAY private int xy2i(int x, int y) { return y * W + x; } // CONVERT FLOATING POINT TO 0..255 INTEGER private int f2i(double t) { return (int) (255 * t) & 255; } public boolean isAnaglyph = false; int anaglyphEye = 0; // PACK RGB INTO ONE WORD private void pack(int px[], int i, int rgb) { pack(px, i, getR(rgb), getG(rgb), getB(rgb)); } private void pack(int px[], int i, int r, int g, int b) { if (isAnaglyph) { int c = r/4 + g/2 + b/4 & 255; switch (anaglyphEye) { case 0: px[i] = 0xff000000 | c << 16 | px[i] & 0x0000ffff ; break; case 1: px[i] = 0xff000000 | px[i] & 0x00ff0000 | c << 8 | c ; break; } } else px[i] = r << 16 | g << 8 | b | 0xff000000; } private static int pack(int r, int g, int b) { return r << 16 | g << 8 | b | 0xff000000; } // UNPACK RGB OUT OF ONE WORD private static void unpack(int rgb[], int packed) { rgb[0] = (packed >> 16) & 255; rgb[1] = (packed >> 8) & 255; rgb[2] = (packed) & 255; } private static int getR(int packed) { return (packed >> 16) & 255; } private static int getG(int packed) { return (packed >> 8) & 255; } private static int getB(int packed) { return (packed) & 255; } // FILL A RECTANGLE WITH A COLOR private void fill(int x, int y, int w, int h, int packed) { for (int Y = y; Y < y + h; Y++) { int i = xy2i(x, Y); if (isAnaglyph) { int r = getR(packed), g = getG(packed), b = getB(packed); for (int X = x; X < x + w; X++) pack(pix, i++, r, g, b); } else for (int X = x; X < x + w; X++) pix[i++] = packed; } } // CLEAR DAMAGED PART OF SCREEN private void clearScreen() { if (TOP == -1) { LEFT = 0; RIGHT = W - 1; TOP = 0; BOTTOM = H - 1; } int L = LEFT = Math.max(LEFT, 0); int R = RIGHT = Math.min(RIGHT, W - 1); int T = TOP = Math.max(TOP, 0); int B = BOTTOM = Math.min(BOTTOM, H - 1); fill(L, T, 1 + R - L, 1 + B - T, isOutline ? white : bgColor); if (zbuffer == null) zbuffer = new int[W * H]; if (gzbuffer == null) gzbuffer = new Geometry[W * H]; for (int y = T; y <= B; y++) { int i = xy2i(L, y); for (int x = L; x <= R; x++) zbuffer[i++] = -zHuge; } LEFT = W + 1; RIGHT = -1; TOP = H + 1; BOTTOM = -1; } // CALLED IN RENDER THREAD TO RECOMPUTE CAMERA VALUE private synchronized void computeCamera() { if (this.manualCameraControl) { double T[] = new double[3]; T[0] = cameraAim[0] - cameraPos[0]; T[1] = cameraAim[1] - cameraPos[1]; T[2] = cameraAim[2] - cameraPos[2]; Vec.normalize(T); double vz = Vec.dot(T, cameraUp); double vy = Math.sqrt(1 - vz * vz); Matrix.identity(camtmp); double crossUT[] = new double[3]; double dotTU = Vec.dot(T, cameraUp); Vec.cross(cameraUp, T, crossUT); for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { camtmp.set(2, i, T[i]); camtmp.set(1, i, (cameraUp[i] - dotTU * T[i]) / vy); camtmp.set(0, i, crossUT[i] / vy); } camtmp.translate(cameraPos[0], cameraPos[1], cameraPos[2]); camera.copy(camtmp); } else { if (theta == 0 && phi == 0) return; changeCamera(theta, phi); theta = phi = 0; // WE'VE ACCOUNTED FOR ROTATION, SO RESET ANGLES. } } private synchronized void changeCamera(double theta, double phi) { Matrix.identity(camtmp); camtmp.rotateY(theta); camera.postMultiply(camtmp); Matrix.identity(camtmp); camtmp.rotateX(phi); camera.postMultiply(camtmp); if (isHeadsUp) { Matrix.identity(camtmp); camtmp.rotateZ(.3 * Math.atan2(camera.get(0, 1), camera.get(1, 1))); camera.postMultiply(camtmp); } } // RENDER EVERYTHING IN SCENE private void renderWorld() { // ALLOCATE SPACE FOR TRANSPARENT OBJECTS if (updateTransparency) tS = new Geometry[countT(world)]; // RENDER OPAQUE OBJECTS nt = 0; renderT = false; world.globalMatrix.copy(world.matrix); render(world, camera); // RENDER TRANSPARENT OBJECTS renderT = true; for (int i = 0; i < nt; i++) renderGeometry(tS[i]); } // COUNT HOW MANY TRANSPARENT OBJECTS THERE ARE private double transparencyOf(Geometry s) { return s.material == null ? 0 : s.material.transparency; } private int countT(Geometry s) { int n = transparencyOf(s) == 0 ? 0 : 1; if (s.child != null) for (int i = 0; i < s.child.length && s.child[i] != null; i++) n += countT(s.child[i]); return n; } // RENDER ONE OBJECT FOR THIS FRAME private void render(Geometry s, Matrix camera) { if (s.child != null) { Matrix cam = new Matrix(); cam.copy(camera); // CAMERA MAY MOVE BEFORE CHILD RENDERS Matrix mat = new Matrix(); mat.copy(s.globalMatrix); for (int i = 0; i < s.child.length && s.child[i] != null; i++) { s.child[i].globalMatrix.copy(mat); s.child[i].globalMatrix.preMultiply(s.child[i].matrix); render(s.child[i], cam); } } if (s.faces != null && s.vertices != null) renderGeometry(s); } // RENDER ONE OBJECT, TRANSFORMED BY THIS MATRIX private int t[][]; // temporary array that holds transformed vertices and normals private double t1[][]; // temp array of vertices transformed but without the perspective transform private double ti[] = new double[6]; // temporary point for quick processing. //private double epsilonPlane = 1.5; private double epsilonPlane = .001; // KPKP //distance of the clipping plane from the camera lens //temporary transformed vertices in the device plane created by clipping private int tv1[] = new int[6]; private int tv2[] = new int[6]; //temporary computed vertex private int pixel[] = new int[8]; private int pixelL[] = new int[8]; private int dpixelL[] = new int[8]; private int pixelR[] = new int[8]; private int dpixelR[] = new int[8]; private int[] dpixel = new int[8]; private void renderGeometry(Geometry s) { matrix.copy(s.globalMatrix); matrix.postMultiply(camera); if (!renderT && transparencyOf(s) != 0) { tS[nt++] = s; return; } if (t == null || t.length < s.vertices.length || t[0].length < s.verticedepth) t = new int[s.vertices.length][s.verticedepth]; if (t1 == null || t1.length < s.vertices.length || t1[0].length < s.verticedepth) t1 = new double[s.vertices.length][s.verticedepth]; if (ti == null || ti.length < s.verticedepth) ti = new double[s.verticedepth]; if (tv1 == null || tv1.length < s.verticedepth) tv1 = new int[s.verticedepth]; if (tv2 == null || tv2.length < s.verticedepth) tv2 = new int[s.verticedepth]; if (pixel == null || pixel.length < s.verticedepth) pixel = new int[s.verticedepth]; if (pixelL == null || pixelL.length < s.verticedepth) pixelL = new int[s.verticedepth]; if (pixelR == null || pixelR.length < s.verticedepth) pixelR = new int[s.verticedepth]; if (pixelL == null || pixelL.length < s.verticedepth) dpixelL = new int[s.verticedepth]; if (pixelR == null || pixelR.length < s.verticedepth) dpixelR = new int[s.verticedepth]; if (c == null || c.length < s.verticedepth) c = new int[s.verticedepth]; if (dpixel == null || dpixel.length < s.verticedepth) dpixel = new int[s.verticedepth]; double r; normat.copy(matrix); double nort; for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++) { r = 0; for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) { nort = normat.get(i, j); r += nort * nort; } for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) normat.set(i, j, normat.get(i, j) / r); } transparency = transparencyOf(s); int m = s.getMeshRows(); if (m >= 0) s.computeMeshNormals(); s.modified = false; // RECTANGULAR MESH AT COARSE LEVEL OF DETAIL if (lod > 1 && m >= 40) { int M = m + 1, N = s.vertices.length / M; for (int J = 0; J <= N; J++) for (int I = 0; I <= M; I++) { int k = Math.min(J, N - 1) * M + Math.min(I, M - 1); transformVertex(matrix, s.vertices[k], k); t[k][3] = UNRENDERED; } for (int J = 0; J <= N - 1 - lod; J += lod) for (int I = 0; I <= M - 1 - lod; I += lod) { int a = J * M + I; int b = J * M + I + lod; int c = (J + lod) * M + I; int d = (J + lod) * M + I + lod; if (b % M >= M - lod) b = (b / M + 1) * M - 1; if (d % M >= M - lod) d = (d / M + 1) * M - 1; if (c >= M * (N - lod)) c = M * (N - 1) + (c % M); if (d >= M * (N - lod)) d = M * (N - 1) + (d % M); fillAndClipTriangle(s, a, b, c); fillAndClipTriangle(s, b, d, c); } } // ALL OTHER CASES else { for (int k = 0; k < s.vertices.length; k++) { transformVertex(matrix, s.vertices[k], k); t[k][3] = UNRENDERED; } for (int j = 0; j < s.faces.length; j++) { int f[] = s.faces[j]; if (f != null) for (int k = 1; k < f.length - 1; k++) fillAndClipTriangle(s, f[0], f[k], f[k + 1]); } } } /** When set true, only the wireframe structure of the objects is displayed using appropriate colors. */ public boolean seeMesh = false; // CENTER OF PROJECTION public void setCx(double x) { cX = x; } public void setCy(double y) { cY = y; } public double getCx() { return cX; } public double getCy() { return cY; } private double cX = 0.0, cY = 0.0; public void projectPoint(double v[]) { v[2] = 1 / (FL - v[2]); v[0] = W / 2 + W * (cX/FL + v[2] * (v[0] - cX)) / FOV; v[1] = H / 2 - W * (cY/FL + v[2] * (v[1] - cY)) / FOV; } private void transformVertex(Matrix matrix, double v[], int i) { xf(matrix, v[0], v[1], v[2], 1, ti); xf(matrix, v[0], v[1], v[2], 1, t1[i]); projectPoint(ti); double pz = ti[2]; ti[2] = ti[2] * (1 << 31 - NB); for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++) t[i][j] = (int) ti[j] << NB; for (int j = 6; j < v.length; j++) { t1[i][j] = v[j]; ti[j] = v[j]; t[i][j] = (int) (v[j] * pz * (1 << 31 - NB)); } } private void fillAndClipTriangle(Geometry s, int iA, int iB, int iC) { int clipping = 0; if (t1[iA][2] + epsilonPlane > FL) clipping += 1; if (t1[iB][2] + epsilonPlane > FL) clipping += 2; if (t1[iC][2] + epsilonPlane > FL) clipping += 4; switch (clipping) { case (0) : //render entire triangle fillTriangle(s, iA, iB, iC); break; case (7) : //entire triangle clipped return; case (1) : clip1Vert(s, iA, iB, iC); break; case (2) : clip1Vert(s, iB, iA, iC); break; case (4) : clip1Vert(s, iC, iA, iB); break; case (3) : clip2Vert(s, iA, iB, iC); break; case (5) : clip2Vert(s, iA, iC, iB); break; case (6) : clip2Vert(s, iB, iC, iA); break; } } private void clip1Vert(Geometry s, int clip, int b, int c) { double[] n1 = new double[s.verticedepth]; double[] n2 = new double[s.verticedepth]; clip(n1, t1[clip], t1[b]); clip(n2, t1[clip], t1[c]); perspective(n1, tv1); perspective(n2, tv2); n1 = s.vertices[clip]; renderVertex(s, n1, tv1); n2 = s.vertices[clip]; renderVertex(s, n2, tv2); renderVertex(s, b); renderVertex(s, c); fillTriangle(s, tv1, t[b], t[c]); fillTriangle(s, tv1, tv2, t[c]); } private void clip2Vert(Geometry s, int clip1, int clip2, int c) { // 1. compute vertices // 2. do perspective transform // 3. render with material // 4. fill triangle double[] n1 = new double[s.verticedepth]; double[] n2 = new double[s.verticedepth]; clip(n1, t1[clip1], t1[c]); clip(n2, t1[clip2], t1[c]); perspective(n1, tv1); perspective(n2, tv2); n1 = s.vertices[clip1]; renderVertex(s, n1, tv1); n2 = s.vertices[clip2]; renderVertex(s, n2, tv2); renderVertex(s, c); fillTriangle(s, tv1, tv2, t[c]); } private static double lerp(double t, double a, double b) { return a + t * (b - a); } private void clip(double[] n, double[] a, double[] b) { n[2] = FL - epsilonPlane; for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++) { n[i] = ((b[i] - a[i]) / (b[2] - a[2])) * (FL - epsilonPlane - a[2]) + a[i]; } if (a.length > 6) { double t = (b[2] - n[2]) / (b[2] - a[2]); for (int i = 6; i < a.length; i++) { n[i] = b[i] - t * (b[i] - a[i]); n[i] = n[i]; } } } private void perspective(double v[], int tv[]) { double pz = 1 / (FL - v[2]); ti[0] = W/2 + W * (cX/FL + pz * (v[0] - cX)) / FOV; ti[1] = H/2 - W * (cY/FL + pz * (v[1] - cY)) / FOV; // ti[0] = W/2 + W * (cX/FL + pz * (ti[0] - cX)) / FOV; // ti[1] = H/2 - W * (cY/FL + pz * (ti[1] - cY)) / FOV; ti[2] = pz * (1 << 31 - NB); for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++) tv[j] = (int) ti[j] << NB; for (int j = 6; j < v.length; j++) { tv[j] = (int) (v[j] * pz * (1 << 31 - NB)); } } private void renderVertex(Geometry s, int i) { if (t[i][3] != UNRENDERED) return; double v[] = s.vertices[i]; double nn[] = normal; xf(normat, v[3], v[4], v[5], 0, nn); Vec.normalize(nn); for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++) ti[j + 3] = nn[j]; renderVertex(ti, s.material); for (int j = 3; j < 6; j++) t[i][j] = (int) ti[j] << NB; //adding the u v /*for (int j=6; j< s.verticedepth; j++) { ti[j] = s.vertices[i][j]; double mt = (ti[j] * (1 << 31 - NB)); t[i][j] = (int) mt; }*/ } private void renderVertex(Geometry s, double[] v, int[] tv) { double nn[] = normal; xf(normat, v[3], v[4], v[5], 0, nn); Vec.normalize(nn); for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++) ti[j + 3] = nn[j]; renderVertex(ti, s.material); for (int j = 3; j < 6; j++) tv[j] = (int) ti[j] << NB; /*for (int j=6; j< s.verticedepth; j++) { ti[j] = v[j]; double mt = (ti[j] * (1 << 31 -NB)); tv[j] = (int) mt; }*/ } private void fillTriangle(Geometry s, int iA, int iB, int iC) { int A[] = t[iA], B[] = t[iB], C[] = t[iC]; renderVertex(s, iA); renderVertex(s, iB); renderVertex(s, iC); fillTriangle(s, A, B, C); } // ZBUFFER A TRIANGLE, INTERPOLATING RED,GREEN,BLUE private void fillTriangle(Geometry s, int[] A, int[] B, int[] C) { if (same(A, B) || same(B, C)) return; if (!s.isDoubleSided() && backfacing(A, B, C)) return; int y0 = A[1] < B[1] ? (A[1] < C[1] ? 0 : 2) : (B[1] < C[1] ? 1 : 2); int y2 = A[1] > B[1] ? (A[1] > C[1] ? 0 : 2) : (B[1] > C[1] ? 1 : 2); int y1 = 3 - (y0 + y2); if (y0 == y2) return; a = y0 == 0 ? A : y0 == 1 ? B : C; // FIRST VERTEX IN Y SCAN b = y1 == 0 ? A : y1 == 1 ? B : C; // MIDDLE VERTEX IN Y SCAN d = y2 == 0 ? A : y2 == 1 ? B : C; // LAST VERTEX IN Y SCAN LEFT = Math.min(LEFT, Math.min(Math.min(A[0], B[0]), C[0]) >> NB); RIGHT = Math.max(RIGHT, Math.max(Math.max(A[0], B[0]), C[0]) >> NB); TOP = Math.min(TOP, Math.min(Math.min(A[1], B[1]), C[1]) >> NB); BOTTOM = Math.max(BOTTOM, Math.max(Math.max(A[1], B[1]), C[1]) >> NB); //doing the lerp here double t = (double) (b[1] - a[1]) / (d[1] - a[1]); for (int i = 0; i < s.verticedepth; i++) c[i] = (int) (a[i] + t * (d[i] - a[i])); // SPLIT TOP-TO-BOTTOM EDGE // ONLY RENDER FRONT FACING (COUNTER-CLOCKWISE) TRIANGLES //if ((y1 == (y0+1) % 3) == c[0] > b[0] ) { if (true) { if (b[0] < c[0]) { fillTrapezoid(a, a, b, c, s); fillTrapezoid(b, c, d, d, s); } if (b[0] > c[0]) { fillTrapezoid(a, a, c, b, s); fillTrapezoid(c, b, d, d, s); } } } private boolean same(int A[], int B[]) { return same(A[0], B[0]) && same(A[1], B[1]) && same(A[2], B[2]); } private boolean same(int A, int B) { return Math.abs(A - B) < (1 << NB - 8); } private boolean backfacing(int A[], int B[], int C[]) { return areaUnder(A, B) + areaUnder(B, C) + areaUnder(C, A) < 0; } private int areaUnder(int A[], int B[]) { return (B[0] - A[0] >> NB) * (B[1] + A[1] >> NB); } /* THIS IS THE INNER-LOOP RENDERING ROUTINE. IT'S THE COMPUTATIONAL BOTTLENECK, BECAUSE IT NEEDS TO PROCEED PIXEL BY PIXEL. BECAUSE JAVA ENFORCES BOUNDS CHECKING ON EVERY ARRAY ACCESS (WHICH SLOWS THINGS SIGNIFICANTLY), I'VE BROKEN THINGS OUT HERE INTO INDIVIDUAL VARIABLES WHEREVER I COULD. -KEN */ private void fillTrapezoid(int A[], int B[], int C[], int D[], Geometry s) { int zb[] = zbuffer, px[] = pix; // LOCAL ARRAYS CAN BE FASTER int yLo = A[1] >> NB; int yHi = C[1] >> NB; if (yHi < 0 || yLo >= H) return; int deltaY = yHi - yLo; if (deltaY <= 0) return; int xL = A[0]; int zL = A[2]; int rL = A[3]; int gL = A[4]; int bL = A[5]; for (int i = 6; i < s.verticedepth; i++) pixelL[i] = A[i]; int dxL = (C[0] - A[0]) / deltaY; int dzL = (C[2] - A[2]) / deltaY; int drL = (C[3] - A[3]) / deltaY; int dgL = (C[4] - A[4]) / deltaY; int dbL = (C[5] - A[5]) / deltaY; for (int i = 6; i < s.verticedepth; i++) dpixelL[i] = (C[i] - A[i]) / deltaY; int xR = B[0]; int zR = B[2]; int rR = B[3]; int gR = B[4]; int bR = B[5]; for (int i = 6; i < s.verticedepth; i++) pixelR[i] = B[i]; int dxR = (D[0] - B[0]) / deltaY; int dzR = (D[2] - B[2]) / deltaY; int drR = (D[3] - B[3]) / deltaY; int dgR = (D[4] - B[4]) / deltaY; int dbR = (D[5] - B[5]) / deltaY; for (int i = 6; i < s.verticedepth; i++) dpixelR[i] = (D[i] - B[i]) / deltaY; int ixL, ixR, deltaX, z, r, g, b, dz = 0, dr = 0, dg = 0, db = 0; if (s.verticedepth > 6) dpixel = new int[s.verticedepth]; boolean isOpaque = (transparency == 0); int opacity = (int) ((1 - Math.abs(transparency)) * (1 << NB)); int r0, g0, b0, packed; if (yLo < 0) { xL -= dxL * yLo; zL -= dzL * yLo; rL -= drL * yLo; gL -= dgL * yLo; bL -= dbL * yLo; if (s.verticedepth > 6) { for (int i = 6; i < s.verticedepth; i++) pixelL[i] -= dpixelL[i] * yLo; } xR -= dxR * yLo; zR -= dzR * yLo; rR -= drR * yLo; gR -= dgR * yLo; bR -= dbR * yLo; for (int i = 6; i < s.verticedepth; i++) pixelR[i] -= dpixelR[i] * yLo; yLo = 0; } yHi = Math.min(yHi, H); for (int y = yLo; y < yHi; y++) { ixL = xL >> NB; ixR = xR >> NB; deltaX = ixR - ixL; z = zL; r = rL; g = gL; b = bL; if (s.verticedepth > 6) { pixel[1] = y; pixel[2] = z; pixel[3] = r; pixel[4] = g; pixel[5] = b; for (int i = 6; i < s.verticedepth; i++) pixel[i] = pixelL[i]; } if (deltaX > 0) { dz = (zR - zL) / deltaX; dr = (rR - rL) / deltaX; dg = (gR - gL) / deltaX; db = (bR - bL) / deltaX; for (int i = 6; i < s.verticedepth; i++) dpixel[i] = (pixelR[i] - pixelL[i]) / deltaX; } if (ixL < 0) { z -= dz * ixL; r -= dr * ixL; g -= dg * ixL; b -= db * ixL; if (s.verticedepth > 6) { pixel[1] = y; pixel[2] = z; pixel[3] = r; pixel[4] = g; pixel[5] = b; for (int i = 6; i < s.verticedepth; i++) pixel[i] -= dpixel[i] * ixL; } ixL = 0; } ixR = Math.min(ixR, W); int i = xy2i(ixL, y); int op = opacity; for (int ix = ixL; ix < ixR; ix++) { if (z > zb[i]) { pixel[0] = ix; if (isOpaque) { if (s.verticedepth > 6) px[i] = s.material.computePixel(pixel, deltaX, deltaY, NB); else pack(px, i, r >> NB, g >> NB, b >> NB); } else { packed = px[i]; r0 = (packed >> 16) & 255; g0 = (packed >> 8) & 255; b0 = (packed) & 255; op = opacity; if (s.verticedepth > 6) { int rc, gc, bc; int c = s.material.computePixel(pixel, deltaX, deltaY, NB); rc = (c >> 16) & 255; gc = (c >> 8) & 255; bc = (c) & 255; pack(px, i, r0 + (op * ((rc >> NB) - r0) >> NB), g0 + (op * ((gc >> NB) - g0) >> NB), b0 + (op * ((bc >> NB) - b0) >> NB)); } else pack(px, i, r0 + (op * ((r >> NB) - r0) >> NB), g0 + (op * ((g >> NB) - g0) >> NB), b0 + (op * ((b >> NB) - b0) >> NB)); } if (showMesh) if (ix == ixL || ix == ixR - 1) pack(px, i, 0, 0, 0); zb[i] = z; if (bufferg) gzbuffer[i] = s; if (seeMesh) break; } z += dz; r += dr; g += dg; b += db; if (s.verticedepth > 6) { pixel[0] = ix; pixel[2] = z; pixel[3] = r; pixel[4] = g; pixel[5] = b; } for (int k = 6; k < s.verticedepth; k++) pixel[k] += dpixel[k]; i++; } xL += dxL; zL += dzL; rL += drL; gL += dgL; bL += dbL; for (int k = 6; k < s.verticedepth; k++) pixelL[k] += dpixelL[k]; xR += dxR; zR += dzR; rR += drR; gR += dgR; bR += dbR; for (int k = 6; k < s.verticedepth; k++) pixelR[k] += dpixelR[k]; } } // TRANSFORM ONE VERTEX OR NORMAL BY A MATRIX public void xf(Matrix m, double x, double y, double z, double w, double v[]) { if (w == 0) for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++) v[j] = m.get(j, 0) * x + m.get(j, 1) * y + m.get(j, 2) * z; else for (int j = 0; j < 3; j++) v[j] = m.get(j, 0) * x + m.get(j, 1) * y + m.get(j, 2) * z + m.get(j, 3); } // DO LIGHTING AND SHADING FOR ONE VERTEX // I WILL BE ABLE TO GET SUBSTANTIAL SPEED-UP IF I CONVERT THIS ENTIRE // ROUTINE TO FIXED POINT, AND USE TABLE LOOKUP FOR SPECULAR POWER. // I ALSO NEED TO ADD IN EXTENDED LIGHT SOURCES (JUST LOWER THE POWER // WHEN DOING SHINY CALCULATION). -KEN private static double v[] = { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 }; /** Renders vertex i ( packed x,y,z) with material m. @param i vertex to be rendered @param m material properties to be applied to the vertex */ public static void renderVertex(int i, Material m) { if (!tableMode || !m.tableMode) return; int izx = i >> m.resP; int iz = izx >> m.resP; int ix = izx & m.res - 1; int iy = i & m.res - 1; int n = 1 << m.resP - 1; double x = (double) (ix - n) / (n - 1); double y = - (double) (iy - n) / (n - 1); double z = (iz == 0 ? 1 : -1) * Math.sqrt(1 - x * x - y * y); m.v[3] = x; m.v[4] = y; m.v[5] = z; renderVertex(ix, iy, iz, x, y, z, m.v, m); } /** Renders vertex v with material m, if table mode is enabled the data is just looked up in the material's table, otherwise it is computed. @param v vertex x,y,z and the r,g,b values for it. @param m material with which to render the vertex. */ public void renderVertex(double v[], Material m) { if (m == null) { v[3] = v[4] = v[5] = 0; return; } double x = v[3], y = v[4], z = v[5]; int ix = 0, iy = 0, iz = 0; if (m.anisotropic) { double a2[] = { x, y, z }; double a3[] = { 0, 0, 0 }; Vec.cross(a1, a2, a3); Vec.normalize(a3); x = a3[0]; y = a3[1]; z = a3[2]; } // NORMAL LOOKUP MAP if (tableMode && m.tableMode) { int n = 1 << m.resP - 1; ix = n + (int) (x * (n - 1)); iy = n - (int) (y * (n - 1)); iz = (z > 0 ? 0 : 1); int packed = m.getTable(ix, iy, iz); if (packed != 0) { v[3] = (packed >> 16) & 255; ; v[4] = (packed >> 8) & 255; ; v[5] = (packed) & 255; ; return; } x = (double) (ix - n) / (n - 1); y = - (double) (iy - n) / (n - 1); z = (iz == 0 ? 1 : -1) * Math.sqrt(1 - x * x - y * y); } renderVertex(ix, iy, iz, x, y, z, v, m); } private synchronized static void renderVertex(int ix, int iy, int iz, double x, double y, double z, double v[], Material m) { if (m == null) return; double rD = 0, gD = 0, bD = 0, t, L[]; double rS = 0, gS = 0, bS = 0; double D[] = m.diffuse, S[] = m.specular, A[] = m.ambient; double red, grn, blu; boolean isSpecular = S[0]!=0 || S[1]!=0 || S[2]!=0; for (int i = 0; i < nLights; i++) { L = light[i]; t = L[0] * x + L[1] * y + L[2] * z; if (D[3] != 1) t = Math.pow(.5 + .5 * t, D[3]) * 2 - 1; if (m.anisotropic) t = Math.sqrt(1 - t * t); t = Math.max(0, t); if (m.noiseA != 0) t *= noiseTexture(m, x, y, z); rD += L[3] * t; gD += L[4] * t; bD += L[5] * t; if (isSpecular) { if (m.anisotropic) { double a1[] = { L[0], L[1], L[2] + 2 }; Vec.normalize(a1); double a2[] = { x, y, z }; t = Vec.dot(a1, a2); t = Math.sqrt(1 - t * t); double dp = L[0] * v[3] + L[1] * v[4] + L[2] * v[5]; t = Math.max(0, dp * t); } else t = computeFastHilite(x, y, z, L); if (t > 0) { t = Math.pow(t, S[3]); //t = computeHilite(0,0,1, x,y,z, L); if (m.noiseA != 0) { double d = 2 * (x * v[3] + y * v[4] + z * v[5]); double rx = d * v[3] - x; double ry = d * v[4] - y; double rz = d * v[5] - z; t *= noiseTexture(m, rx, ry, rz); } rS += L[3] * t; gS += L[4] * t; bS += L[5] * t; } } } red = rD * D[0] + rS * S[0] + A[0]; grn = gD * D[1] + gS * S[1] + A[1]; blu = bD * D[2] + bS * S[2] + A[2]; v[3] = Math.max(0, Math.min(255, 255 * red)); v[4] = Math.max(0, Math.min(255, 255 * grn)); v[5] = Math.max(0, Math.min(255, 255 * blu)); if (tableMode && m.tableMode) m.setTable(ix, iy, iz, pack((int) v[3], (int) v[4], (int) v[5])); } /** Returns the Geometry of the frontmost object at the point (x, y) in the image (like a z-buffer value of geometries). @param x x coordinate in the image @param y y coordinate in the image @return the geometry of the foremost object at that location */ public synchronized Geometry getGeometry(int x, int y) { if (x < 0 || x >= W || y < 0 || y >= H ) return null; if (y * W + x < gzbuffer.length) return gzbuffer[y * W + x]; return null; } public synchronized boolean getPoint(int ix, int iy, double xyz[]) { if (ix < 0 || ix >= W || iy < 0 || iy >= H ) return false; int zb = zbuffer[iy * W + ix]; if (zb < 0) return false; Matrix cameraInv = new Matrix(); double pz = (double) (zb >> NB) / (1 << 31 - NB); double x = (FOV * (ix - W/2) / W - cX / FL) / pz + cX; double y = -(FOV * (iy - H/2) / W + cY / FL) / pz + cY; double z = FL - 1 / pz; cameraInv.invert(camera); xf(cameraInv, x, y, z, 1, xyz); return true; } private static double noiseTexture(Material m, double x, double y, double z) { if (m.noiseA != 0) return 1 + m.noiseA * Noise.noise(m.noiseF * x, m.noiseF * y, m.noiseF * z); else return 1; } // COMPUTE DIRECTION OF SPECULAR REFLECTION, THEN DOT PRODUCT WITH LIGHT private static double computeHilite(double x, double y, double z, double nx, double ny, double nz, double L[]) { double d = 2 * (x * nx + y * ny + z * nz); double rx = d * nx - x; double ry = d * ny - y; double rz = d * nz - z; return L[0] * rx + L[1] * ry + L[2] * rz; } // FASTER VERSION OF HILITE, WHICH ASSUMES CAMERA IS IN Z DIRECTION private static double computeFastHilite(double nx, double ny, double nz, double L[]) { return 2 * nz * (L[0] * nx + L[1] * ny + L[2] * nz) - L[2]; } //--- PRIVATE DATA FIELDS FOR RENDERER private double FL = 10; // FOCAL LENGTH OF VIEW private double FOV = 1; // FIELD OF VIEW private Geometry world; // THE ROOT OF THE GEOMETRY TREE private int W, H; // THE RESOLUTION OF THE IMAGE private double theta = 0, phi = 0; // VIEW ROTATION ANGLES private int pix[]; // THE FRAME BUFFER private int bgColor = pack(0, 0, 0); // BACKGROUND FILL COLOR private final int zHuge = 1 << 31; // BIGGEST POSSIBLE ZBUFFER VALUE private int TOP = -1, BOTTOM, LEFT, RIGHT; // PIXEL BOUNDS FOR DAMAGED IMAGE private int zbuffer[] = null; // THE ZBUFFER private Geometry gzbuffer[] = null; //THE GEOMETRY ZBUFFER private Matrix camera = new Matrix(); // THE CAMERA MATRIX private Matrix camtmp = new Matrix(); // CAMERA TEMP MATRIX private Matrix matrix = new Matrix(); // TEMP MATRIX private int nt = 0; // NUM. OF TRANSPARENT OBJECTS private Geometry tS[] = null; // LIST OF TRANSPARENT OBJECTS private boolean renderT = false; // IS THIS TRANSP RENDER PASS? private double normal[] = new double[3]; // VERTEX NORMAL private Matrix normat = new Matrix(); // NORMAL MATRIX XFORM private double transparency; // TRANSPARENCY FOR CURRENT OBJECT private final int NB = 14; // PRECISION FOR FIXED PT PIXEL OPS private int NBPower = (int) Math.pow(2, this.NB); private int a[], b[], c[] = new int[6], d[]; // TEMPS FOR FILLING TRIANGLE private double refl[] = new double[3]; // TEMP TO COMPUTE REFL VECTOR private final int UNRENDERED = 1234567; // RENDERING PHASE private static int nLights = 0; // NUM. OF LIGHT SOURCES DEFINED private static double light[][] = new double[20][6]; // DATA FOR LIGHTS private static boolean dragging = false; private boolean isOutline = false; private int threshold = 256; private double outline_t = -1; private int black = pack(0, 0, 0), white = pack(255, 255, 255); private double cameraPos[] = { 0., 0., FL }; // camera position private double cameraAim[] = { 0., 0., 0. }; // look at point private double cameraUp[] = { 0., 1., 0. }; // camera up vector }