// Copyright 2001 Ken Perlin package render; // A VERY SIMPLE 3D RENDERER BUILT IN JAVA 1.0 - KEN PERLIN /** Deals with aspects of color and material properties of objects.Stores color properties of material: diffuse light, specular light, and ambient light.
Holds information about transparency and whether the material is double sided. @author Ken Perlin 2001 */ public class Material implements Runnable { private String notice = "Copyright 2001 Ken Perlin. All rights reserved."; /** Flag determining wheter to precompute and store color tables for direct look up intead of on the fly computation. */ public boolean tableMode = true; /** Indicator whether background caching started. */ private boolean startedBackgroundCaching = false; /** Bit depth of the resolution. */ public int resP; /** Resolution of the material. */ public int res; /** Stores the precomputed normal map for quick lookup later. */ protected int table[] = new int[2 * res * res]; /** Indicates whether the material is double sided. */ public boolean isDoubleSided = false; /** Indicates whether the material is anisotropic (light reflection varies with respect to direction). */ public boolean anisotropic = false; /** Noise frequency. */ public double noiseF = 1; /** Noise amplitude. */ public double noiseA = 0; /** Looks up the appropriate color value from the table at x, y, z. @param ix x @param iy y @param iz z @return the packed color value */ public int getTable(int ix, int iy, int iz) { if (!tableMode || iz < 0 || iz > 1 || ix < 0 || ix >= res || iy < 0 || iy >= res) return 0; return table[tableIndex(ix, iy, iz)]; } /** Sets the x, y, z, value in the lookup table to p. @param ix x @param iy y @param iz z @param p the packed color value */ public void setTable(int ix, int iy, int iz, int p) { if (!tableMode) return; startedBackgroundCaching = true; if (iz < 0 || iz > 1 || ix < 0 || ix >= res || iy < 0 || iy >= res) return; table[tableIndex(ix, iy, iz)] = p; } /** Creates and initializes the lookup table to all black. @param p bit depth resolution */ public void initTable(int p) { if (!tableMode) return; startedBackgroundCaching = false; resP = p; res = 1 << resP; table = new int[2 * res * res]; for (int iz = 0; iz < 2; iz++) for (int ix = 0; ix < res; ix++) for (int iy = 0; iy < res; iy++) table[tableIndex(ix, iy, iz)] = 0; tableIndex=0; } /** Counts the non-zero entries in the lookup table. @return the number of non-zero entries. */ public int countTable() { int n = 0; for (int iz = 0; iz < 2; iz++) for (int ix = 0; ix < res; ix++) for (int iy = 0; iy < res; iy++) if (table[tableIndex(ix, iy, iz)] != 0) n++; return n; } private int tableIndex(int ix, int iy, int iz) { return (((iz << resP) | ix) << resP) | iy; } /** * Holds diffuse color information ( R, G, B, exponent ) */ protected double[] diffuse = {1, 1, 1, 1}; /** * Holds specular color information (R, G, B, exponent ) */ protected double[] specular = {0, 0, 0, 1}; /** Transparency of the object (0-invisible, 1-opaque). */ protected double transparency = 0; /** Ambient lighting color values in RGB (range [0,1]). */ protected double ambient[] = { 0, 0, 0 }; protected Texture texture; public boolean hasTexture() { return texture != null; } public Material setTexture(Texture texel) { texture = texel; return this; } private double getw(int pz, int NB) { double p = 1. * pz / (1 << NB); double ret = 1. * p / (1 << 31 - NB); return ret; } /** * Focal Length */ protected double FL = 10; private double getuv(int pz, int NB) { double ret = 1. * pz / (1 << 31 - NB); return ret; } /** Returns the packed integer of a particular pixel * To do extra pixel computation, overload this method * @param data array representing the pixel * indices of data are: * 0,1,2 are the x,y,z of the pixel * 3,4,5 are the r,g,b values * 6,7 are the u,v coordinates * @param dx size of the pixel in x * @param dy size of the pixel in y * @param NB precision value */ public int computePixel(int[] data, int dx, int dy, int NB) { //0,1,2 are the x,y,z of the point //3,4,5 are the rbg of the point //6, 7 are the u, v double dw = getw(data[2], NB); double u = (double) (getuv(data[6], NB)) / dw; double v = (double) (getuv(data[7], NB)) / dw; int ret; int NBPower = 1 << NB; ret = texture.getTexel(u, v, dx, dy, NBPower); return ret; } /** Sets the diffuse components of light (range 0..1). @param r red @param g green @param b blue */ public Material setDiffuse(double r, double g, double b) { return setDiffuse(r,g,b,1); } /** Sets the diffuse components of light (range 0..1). @param r red @param g green @param b blue @param p exponent */ public Material setDiffuse(double r, double g, double b, double p) { diffuse[0] = r; diffuse[1] = g; diffuse[2] = b; diffuse[3] = p; recache(); return this; } /** Gets the diffuse color components in RGB (range 0 to 1). @param an array of 4 doubles corresponding to r g b color components + exponent */ public void getDiffuse(double diff[]) { diff[0] = diffuse[0]; diff[1] = diffuse[1]; diff[2] = diffuse[2]; diff[3] = diffuse[3]; } /** Sets the specular color components (r, g, b, exp). @param r red @param g green @param b blue @return the material */ public Material setSpecular(double r, double g, double b, double p) { specular[0] = r; specular[1] = g; specular[2] = b; specular[3] = p; recache(); return this; } /** Gets the specular components of color (r, g, b, exponent). @param spec array of doubles containing 4 specular light components */ public void getSpecular(double spec[]) { //loop unrolled for efficiency spec[0] = specular[0]; spec[1] = specular[1]; spec[2] = specular[2]; spec[3] = specular[3]; } /** Sets the ambient lighting color values (range 0..1). @param r red @param g green @param b blue @return the material */ public Material setAmbient(double r, double g, double b) { ambient[0] = r; ambient[1] = g; ambient[2] = b; recache(); return this; } /** Gets the ambient light components (r, g, b). @param the array of the ambient lighting components (r, g, b) */ public void getAmbient(double amb[]) { amb[0] = ambient[0]; amb[1] = ambient[1]; amb[2] = ambient[2]; amb[3] = ambient[3]; } /** Sets the diffuse color of an object. @param dr diffuse red @param dg diffuse green @param db diffuse blue @return the material */ public Material setColor(double dr, double dg, double db) { return setDiffuse(dr, dg, db, 1); } /** Sets the diffuse color of an object. @param dr diffuse red @param dg diffuse green @param db diffuse blue @param dp diffuse exponent @return the material */ public Material setColor(double dr, double dg, double db, double dp) { return setDiffuse(dr, dg, db, dp); } /** Sets the diffuse and specular values of color. @param dr diffuse red @param dg diffuse green @param db diffuse blue @param sr specular red @param sg specular green @param sb specular blue @param sp specular exponent @return the material */ public Material setColor(double dr, double dg, double db, double sr, double sg, double sb, double sp) { return (setDiffuse(dr, dg, db)).setSpecular(sr, sg, sb, sp); } /** Sets the diffuse and specular values of color. @param dr diffuse red @param dg diffuse green @param db diffuse blue @param dp diffuse exponent @param sr specular red @param sg specular green @param sb specular blue @param sp specular exponent @return the material */ public Material setColor(double dr, double dg, double db, double dp, double sr, double sg, double sb, double sp) { return (setDiffuse(dr, dg, db)).setSpecular(sr, sg, sb, sp); } /** Sets the diffuse, specular and ambient values of color. @param dr diffuse red @param dg diffuse green @param db diffuse blue @param sr specular red @param sg specular green @param sb specular blue @param se specular exponent @param ar ambient red @param ag ambient green @param ab ambient blue @return the material */ public Material setColor(double dr, double dg, double db, double sr, double sg, double sb, double sp, double ar, double ag, double ab) { return ((setDiffuse(dr, dg, db)).setSpecular(sr, sg, sb, sp)).setAmbient(ar, ag, ab); } /** Sets the diffuse, specular and ambient values of color. @param dr diffuse red @param dg diffuse green @param db diffuse blue @param dp diffuse exponent @param sr specular red @param sg specular green @param sb specular blue @param se specular exponent @param ar ambient red @param ag ambient green @param ab ambient blue @return the material */ public Material setColor(double dr, double dg, double db, double dp, double sr, double sg, double sb, double sp, double ar, double ag, double ab) { return ((setDiffuse(dr, dg, db, dp)).setSpecular(sr, sg, sb, sp)).setAmbient(ar, ag, ab); } /** Sets the double sided flag true to indicate whether the object is double sided. @param t new value of isDoubleSided @return the material */ public Material setDoubleSided(boolean t) { isDoubleSided = t; return this; } /** Sets the transparency of the material (0 transparent to 1 opaque). @param t new transparency value @return the material */ public Material setTransparency(double t) { transparency = t; return this; } /** Returns the transparency of the material (0 transparent to 1 opaque). @return the actual transparency of the material */ public double getTransparency() { return transparency; } // THE REST OF THIS CLASS IS DEDICATED TO BACKGROUND CACHING - FILLING // UP A NORMAL-MAP TABLE IN THE BACKGROUND DURING THE FIRST FEW SECONDS // THAT THE APPLET IS RUNNING. private Thread t = null; /** Start background caching thread. */ private void start() { if (t == null) { t = new Thread(this); t.start(); } } /** Stop background caching thread. */ private void stop() { if (t != null) stopped = true; } public void recache() { initTable(7); if (tableMode) start(); } protected double v[] = new double[6]; private volatile boolean stopped = false; private volatile int tableIndex; /** Thread that runs in the background ( provided the resources are available - no mouse dragging for example) and computes the normal map table of values for quick look up later. */ public void run() { stopped=false; int chunk = 0; while (!stopped) { if (tableMode && startedBackgroundCaching && !Renderer.isDragging()) { for (chunk = 0; chunk < 500; chunk++) { if (table[tableIndex] == 0){ Renderer.renderVertex(tableIndex, this); } tableIndex++; if ( tableIndex == table.length || stopped ) { return; } } } try { Thread.sleep(20); } catch (InterruptedException e) {} } } }