package render; import java.awt.*; /* * Created on Jan 16, 2004 * */ /** * @author Du Nguyen * */ public class InteractiveRenderer extends InteractiveMesh { private String notice = "Copyright 2001 Ken Perlin. All rights reserved."; //--- PUBLIC DATA FIELDS /** * {@link Renderer}object */ public Renderer renderer; /** * root of the scene {@link Geometry} */ public Geometry world; /** * Enables level of detail computation for meshes. */ public boolean enableLod = false; /** * Euler angle for camera positioning (horizontal view rotation). */ public double theta = 0; /** * Euler angle for camera positioning (vertical view rotation). */ public double phi = 0; public int n, m; //--- PUBLIC METHODS /** * Override this to animate. * @param time system time */ public void ianimate(double time) { } /** * This animate gets called by the main renderer * @see render.InteractiveMesh#animate(double) */ public void animate(double time) { run(); } /** * prevents the renderer from redrawing the scene. */ public void pause() { isDamage = false; } /** * Forces a refresh of the renderer. Sets isDamage true. */ public void damage() { renderer.refresh(); isDamage = true; } /** * Sets the field of view value. * @param value * @see Renderer#setFOV(double value) */ public void setFOV(double value) { renderer.setFOV(value); } /** * Sets the camera's focal length. * @param value focal length * @see Renderer#setFL(double value) */ public void setFL(double value) { renderer.setFL(value); } /** * Sets the background color ( RGB values range: 0..1) * @param r red component 0..1 * @param g green component 0..1 * @param b blue component 0..1 */ public void setBgColor(double r, double g, double b) { renderer.setBgColor(r, g, b); } /** * Adds light source with direction (x, y, z) & color (r, g, b). * Arguments x,y,z indicate light direction. Arguments r,g,b indicate light * direction. * @see Renderer#addLight(double x,double y,double z, double r,double * g,double b) */ public void addLight(double x, double y, double z, // ADD A LIGHT SOURCE double r, double g, double b) { renderer.addLight(x, y, z, r, g, b); } // PUBLIC METHODS TO LET THE PROGRAMMER MANIPULATE A MATRIX STACK /** * Sets current matrix to the identity matrix. */ public void identity() { m().identity(); } /** * Returns the matrix at the top of the stack. * @return the top matrix on the stack */ public Matrix m() { return matrix[top]; } /** * Pops the top matrix from the stack. */ public void pop() { top--; } /** * Pushes a copy of the top matrix onto the stack. */ public void push() { matrix[top + 1].copy(matrix[top]); top++; } /** * Rotates the top matrix around the X axis by angle t (radians). * @param t angle in radians */ public void rotateX(double t) { m().rotateX(t); } /** * Rotates the top matrix around the Y axis by angle t (radians). * @param t angle in radians */ public void rotateY(double t) { m().rotateY(t); } /** * Rotates the top matrix around the Z axis by angle t (radians). * @param t angle in radians */ public void rotateZ(double t) { m().rotateZ(t); } /** * Rotates the top matrix around an arbitrary axis by angle t (radians). * @param t angle in radians * @param x * @param y * @param z */ public void rotate(double t, double x, double y, double z) { m().rotate(y, x, y, z); } /** * Scales the top matrix by x, y, z in their respective dimensions. * @param x x scale factor * @param y y scale factor * @param z z scale factor */ public void scale(double x, double y, double z) { m().scale(x, y, z); } /** * Applies the top transformation matrix to {@link Geometry}s. * @param s Geometry object */ public void transform(Geometry s) { s.setMatrix(m()); } /** * Translates the top matrix by vector v. * @param v an array of three doubles representing translations in the x,y,z * directions. */ public void translate(double v[]) { translate(v[0], v[1], v[2]); } /** * Translates the top matrix by x, y, z. * @param x - translation in the x direction. * @param y - translation in the y direction. * @param z - translation in the z direction. */ public void translate(double x, double y, double z) { m().translate(x, y, z); } // PUBLIC METHODS TO LET THE PROGRAMMER DEFORM AN OBJECT /** * Deforms a geometric shape according to the beginning, middle, and end * parameters in each dimension. For each dimesion the three parameters * indicate the amount of deformation at each position. ** 0 - beginning, 1 - middle, 2 - end. To indicate infinity (a constant * transformation) set two adjacent parameters to the same value. Setting * all three parameters to the same value transforms the shape geometry * consistently across the entire axis of the parameters. * * @param s shape object to be deformed * @param x0 location of beginning of deformation along the x axis * @param x1 location of beginning of deformation along the x axis * @param x2 location of beginning of deformation along the x axis * @param y0 location of beginning of deformation along the y axis * @param y1 location of beginning of deformation along the y axis * @param y2 location of beginning of deformation along the y axis * @param z0 location of beginning of deformation along the z axis * @param z1 location of beginning of deformation along the z axis * @param z2 location of beginning of deformation along the z axis * @return 1 if pull operation was successful, 0 otherwise * @see Geometry#pull */ public int pull(Geometry s, double x0, double x1, double x2, double y0, double y1, double y2, double z0, double z1, double z2) { return s.pull(m(), x0, x1, x2, y0, y1, y2, z0, z1, z2); } //--- SYSTEM LEVEL PUBLIC METHODS --- /** * Initializes the applet and internal variables. To initialize components * of the application program use {@link #initialize()}. * @see #initialize() */ public void init() { startTime = getCurrentTime(); world = renderer.getWorld(); // GET ROOT OF GEOMETRY for (int i = 0; i < matrix.length; i++) matrix[i] = new Matrix(); identity(); initialize(); if (world != null && world.child != null) for (int n = 0; n < world.child.length; n++) if (world.child[n] != null && world.child[n].material != null) mat = world.child[n].material; } /** * Override this to initialize the application program. */ public void initialize() { } /** * main renderer */ public void run() { // MEASURE ELAPSED TIME AND FRAMERATE elapsed += getCurrentTime() - currentTime; currentTime = getCurrentTime(); if (isDamage) { frameRate = .9 * frameRate + .1 / elapsed; elapsed = 0; // LET THE APPLICATION PROGRAMMER MOVE THINGS INTO PLACE identity(); // APPLIC. MATRIX STARTS UNTRANSFORMED //isDamage = true; renderer.rotateView(theta, phi); theta = phi = 0; ianimate(currentTime - startTime); // APPLICATION ANIMATES THINGS // SHADE AND SCAN CONVERT GEOMETRY INTO FRAME BUFFER renderer.refresh(); renderer.render(); // KEEP REFINING LEVEL OF DETAIL UNTIL PERFECT (WHEN LOD=1) if (renderer.lod > 1) { isDamage = true; renderer.lod--; } } } /** * Returns the Geometry of the frontmost object at the point (x, y) in the * image (like a z-buffer value of geometries). * @param x x coordinate in the image * @param y y coordinate in the image * @return the geometry of the foremost object at that location */ public Geometry getGeometry(int x, int y) { if (renderer.bufferg == false) { renderer.bufferg = true; isDamage = true; } return renderer.getGeometry(x, y); } /** * Returns the location in world space of the point (x, y) on the screen. * @param x x coordinate in the image * @param y y coordinate in the image * @return true if there is an object at x, y , false otherwise */ public boolean getPoint(int x, int y, double xyz[]) { if (renderer.bufferg == false) { renderer.bufferg = true; isDamage = true; } return renderer.getPoint(x, y, xyz); } public boolean mouseDown(Event evt, double[] xyz, Geometry g) { int[] p = this.getXY(xyz); this.mouseDown(p[0], p[1]); return true; } public boolean mouseUp(Event evt, double[] xyz) { int[] p = this.getXY(xyz); this.mouseUp(p[0], p[1]); damage = true; return true; } public boolean mouseDrag(Event evt, double[] xyz) { int[] p = getXY(xyz); this.mouseDrag(p[0], p[1]); return true; } //--- INTERACTIVE VIEW ROTATION EVENT CALLBACKS // IF MOUSE MOVES TO LOWER LEFT CORNER, THEN DISPLAY FRAME RATE /** * Listener for mouse movement. If mouse is placed in the lower left cornder * it displays the framerate. * @return true */ public boolean mouseMove(int x, int y) { if (seeMaterial) { Geometry tmp = getGeometry(x, y); if (tmp != null) mat = tmp.material; } return true; } /** * Listener for mouse down. Mouse down starts a view rotation. * @return true */ public boolean mouseDown(int x, int y) { Renderer.setDragging(true); mx = x; my = y; return true; } /** * Dragging the mouse causes gradual view rotation in the phi and theta * directions. *
* @param event Event * @param x new x coordinate * @param y new y coordinate */ public boolean mouseDrag(int x, int y) { if (Renderer.isDragging()) { theta += .03 * (double) (x - mx); // HORIZONTAL VIEW ROTATION phi += .03 * (double) (y - my); // VERTICAL VIEW ROTATION mx = x; my = y; } if (frameRate < 10 && renderer.lod < 4) if (enableLod) renderer.lod++; isDamage = true; return true; } /** * Listens for mouse release and controls aspects of the renderer. * A release in the upper left corner toggles {@link Renderer#tableMode}. * A release in the upper right corner toggle visibility of the * {@link Material#table}display. When true, the current material table is * displayed in the upper left corner of the window. Position of the mouse * determines current material. * A release in the lower right toggles {@link Renderer#showMesh} * @param event Event * @param x current x coordinate * @param y current y coordinate * @return true */ public boolean mouseUp(int x, int y) { Renderer.setDragging(false); if (x < 35 && y < 35) { Renderer.tableMode = !Renderer.tableMode; } if (x > W - 35 && y < 35) { seeMaterial = !seeMaterial; renderer.bufferg = !renderer.bufferg; damage(); } if (x > W - 35 && y > H - 35) { renderer.showMesh = !renderer.showMesh; damage(); } return true; } /** * KeyListener sends commands to the processKey function * @see java.awt.Component#keyUp(java.awt.Event, int) */ public boolean keyUp(int key) { return processCommand(key); } /** * Handles commands received (generally for unicode commands from the * KeyListener, but also for commands from any other sources, like buttons * from webpages) : various default control keys to modify render style (Use * CTRL + key). *
* 'e' - toggles {@link Renderer#showMesh}, that just displays the shapes * as mesh wireframes
'l' - toggles {@link Renderer#getOutline()}which * produces a sketch-line drawing rendition of the scene
'm' - toggles * {@link Renderer#seeMesh}which determines mesh visibility
't' - * toggles global texture manipulation method (MIP on/off) (@link * Texture#useMIP) ** * @param event Event * @param key value of the key released * @return true if one of the above keys was just released, false otherwise. */ public boolean processCommand(int key) { switch (key) { case 'e' - ('a' - 1) : renderer.showMesh = !renderer.showMesh; damage(); return true; case 'l' - ('a' - 1) : renderer.outline(-renderer.getOutline()); damage(); return true; case 'm' - ('a' - 1) : renderer.seeMesh = !renderer.seeMesh; damage(); return true; case 't' - ('a' - 1) : Texture.useMIP = !Texture.useMIP; damage(); return true; } return false; } //--- PRIVATE METHODS // GET THE CURRENT TIME IN SECONDS private double getCurrentTime() { return System.currentTimeMillis() / 1000.; } //--- PRIVATE DATA FIELDS /** * Current mouse position */ protected int mx, my; /** * Flag to force a renderer refresh when true. */ protected boolean isDamage = true; // WHETHER WE NEED TO RECOMPUTE IMAGE /** * Holds actual time of initialization. */ protected double startTime = 0; /** * Holds current system time. Used to compute time elapsed between frames. */ protected double currentTime = 0; /** * Measures time elapsed from initialization. */ protected double elapsed = 0; /** * Contains current frame rate of the renderer */ protected double frameRate = 10; private Matrix matrix[] = new Matrix[10]; // THE MATRIX STACK private int top = 0; // MATRIX STACK POINTER private boolean seeMaterial = false; private Material mat; //points to the current material /** * */ public InteractiveRenderer() { super(); } /** * @param m * @param n * @param w * @param h * @param pix */ public InteractiveRenderer(int m, int n, int w, int h) { W = w; H = h; renderer = new Renderer(); pixels = renderer.init(W, H); Geometry g = this.add(); texture = new Texture(pixels, W, H, "grid", false); Material material = new Material(); material.setTexture(texture); g.setMaterial(material); g.setDoubleSided(true); g.mesh(m, n); g.name = "mesh"; init(); } }