Emotive Virtual Actors

Ken Perlin

Using the mouse:

Drag hands and feet with the left mouse button to move arms and legs.

Drag with the right mouse button to change the view.

Click/drag on any button, menu or slider.

With "walk" enabled, click on destination to walk there.

Click on "F1" or "F2" to select an actor.

Using the keyboard:

Hit the F1 or F2 key to select an actor.

Use arrow keys to walk fwd/back and turn.

Hit '<' or '>' key to sidestep.

Type ` to type a message, ENTER to end message.

Type the first letter of a button name to toggle that button.

Type 'e' or 'f', followed by a number, to select EDIT or FOCUS object.

Type 'b' or 'm', followed by first letter of sub-slider, then a number from 1 through 9, to vary BODY or a MOVE.

Type the first letter of a slider name, then a number from 1 through 9, to set that slider.

Things to try:

Pull the hand away from the body to see torso compliance.

Try lifting up a foot and watch him shift his weight. Then try putting the foot down again.

Click on the "object" option, and watch how he holds an object as you drag his two hands around. You might want to turn on the "closeup" option to see this better.

Left-click on some place on the floor. He will walk to that place.

Try turning up the "involved", and then moving his hands and feet.

  • Adjust his posture and walking style by varying the "posture" or "involved" sliders.

    Try combinations of "jump" and "sidling" and "walk" together.

  • Example of external command: (man looks at audience for 2 secs)