If you want, you can upload your homework from a terminal window.

Suppose you have created, on your own computer, an index.html file for your assignments for this course.
First, open two terminal windows on your computer.

In the first terminal window, go to the directory where your index.html is located.
Then type:

        scp index.html perlin@access.cims.nyu.edu:public_html/index.html
Except that you wouldn't use "perlin". You would use your own login id. I'm just using "perlin" as an example.

Next, suppose your index.html file contains a link to your first homework assignment that will be in a subdirectory public_html/assignment1/.

In particular, your index.html will contain an html link that looks something like:

        <a href=assignment1/index.html>Assignment 1</a>
In the second terminal window:
  1. Log into your CIMS account, by typing something like (but using your own login id, not mine):
            ssh perlin@access.cims.nyu.edu
  2. Once you are logged in, create a subdirectory:
            cd public_html
            mkdir assignment1
Now, assuming that on your computer you have a folder called assignment1/ which contains an index.html and lib1.js files for assignment 1.

In the first terminal window, the one that's not logged into your CIMS account, first go into that subfolder (don't forget this step!) and then type:

        scp index.html public_html/assignment1/index.html
        scp lib1.js public_html/assignment1/lib1.js
Now you need to make those files publicly visible.
To do that, in the second terminal window, the one that's logged into your CIMS account, type:
        cd assignment1
        chmod a+r index.html
        chmod a+r lib1.js
If you are not sure whether a particular file or directory is publicly readable, you can do an "ls -l" command to check.
For example, try typing:
        ls -l index.html
Toward the left of what this command prints out, you should see something like "-rwxr--r--".
You can see that there are three occurrences of "r" in this string.

This tells you that the file is readable by, respectively, you, your group and all others.
If you don't see three occurrences of "r", that means you still need to do a chmod a+r command on the file.