Grading Guidelines:
The graders' focus will be on graphics material pertaining to algorithms discussed in class rather than java implementation details. For instance, we don’t care if you use a Vector, a static array or a Hash Table, but whatever you use your implementation must be bug free.
There are some exceptions to the above rule. We will grade down for java details when:
You have algorithm bugs due to poor coding practices.
You are allocating huge amounts of dynamic memory per frame and this results in poor frame rate.
You repeat a java-related mistake that you were told about in prior grading feedback. For instance, if your matrix class implementation is sloppy and the graders tell you the steps you need to take to improve it, then on the next homework we expect these problems to be fixed.
Hint: Think through every usage of “MyClass x = new MyClass()”! In past years poor memory management is the most common performance bug.
We will grade down when you fail to fulfil the entirety of the assignment. Here is an example: The assignment asks you to create a Matrix class and then render some stuff with it. You create the matrix class but you don’t render anything with it. This will be considered partially complete so please read through the assignment posting a few times to make sure you’re not missing anything.
If you do not comment your code, then we won't be able to parse your source code to give you the benefit of the doubt when you have bugs. Bottom line:
Please comment your code!
All applet assignments must be running in your html webpage to receive credit. Any java virtual machine errors should be fixed. FYI: Jonathan uses Chrome on Windows 7 and Mac OS X. From his experience, if it runs in chrome on your operating system of choice then it “usually” runs in chrome on every operating system.
Source code must be posted in order to receive credit for an assignment (preferably in a zip file linked to on your webpage). Please do not send the graders source code by email.