(from Kevin Cox)
As used in the nyu query-by-humming applet at http://querybyhum2.cs.nyu.edu/
Replace the red text...
$ keytool -genkey -alias signFiles -keystore mystore -keypass thepassword -dname "CN=New York University Query by Humming Project, OU=Computer Science, O=New York University, L=New York, S=NY, C=US" -storepass thepassword
Then you export a certificate file (it doesn't seem to matter where this is... actually, I wonder if you even need to do it):
$ keytool -export -keystore mystore -storepass thepassword -alias signFiles -file mycertificate.cerNow you're set up. You can repeatedly use the command below to sign jars:
$ jarsigner -keystore mystore -storepass thepassword -keypass thepassword -signedjar output.jar input.jar signFiles