Project Ideas

Your project need not be from this list; if you feel that none of the projects is suitable for you, and you do not have any ideas of your own, please contact me and we can discuss other options.
Frequency analysis of meshes
Filters for image processing are typically designed in the frequency domain (low-pass filters eliminate details and smooth out the images, high-pass emphasize detail). It is possible to define something similar to frequency for polygonal meshes and use this idea to design filters for operationson meshes. The goal of this project is to implement a several simple filters designed using this approach.
Subdivision scheme demos
Implement various subdivision schemes using pure Java and/or Java+Java3D.
Variational modeler
Implement a variational surface modeler similar to the one described by Witkin and Welch in their SIGGRAPH 92 paper.
A surface editor with haptic feedback
Build a surface patch editor using the PHANToM haptic feedback device to manipulate the surface. Experiment with simple physical and non-physical models for the surface reaction.
A drawing program with haptic feedback
Make a drawing program similar to Paul Haeberli's dynadraw but with haptic feedback using PHANToM .
Geometry simplification
Implement some of the algorithms for mesh simplification (Schroeder, Rossignac, Garland).
Collision detection for spline curves
Implement a program that would compute and display the motion of a set of deforming spline curves flying in a box and colliding with each other.
  • Fixing meshes
    Quite often, automatically or manually created meshes have irregular structure (holes, more than two polygons joined at an edge etc.) Write a program to analyze and fix the mesh (find holes or tunnels and attempt to eliminate them, remove "bad" edges and vertices.)
  • © Denis Zorin, 1998