Geometric Modeling For Computer Graphics

Wed 5:00 pm-7:00 pm

719 Broadway, room 1221

Denis Zorin, office hours: Tue 11-12pm and by appointment

PTC truck CGW cover Babylon 5 White Star
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This course will survey a number of topics in geometric modeling, concentrating on computer representations of surfaces used in computer graphics applications. The following topics will be covered: Spline curves and surfaces, subdivision, multiresolution representations, polygonal representations, mesh simplification, overview of representation of solids and image-based techniques.


Mathematics: linear algebra, multivariate calculus.
Computer Science: solid programming ability in at least one language (Java, C++, C). An introductory graduate class in computer graphics is recommended.


There will be several written assignments and a course project. The grade will be primarily based on the course project. There is a list of suggested projects; however, students may choose their own project. In either case, the intended project should be discussed with the instructor.

October 7 A detailed description of the proposed project.

November 11 Progress report.

Finals week Projects due.

Recommended textbooks


Spline curves and surfaces. Bezier form, B-spline form, blossoming, knot insertion. NURBS. Tensor product and triangular patches. Applications of splines in computer graphics.

Subdivision curves and surfaces. Subdivision as generalization of splines. Convergence. Subdivision matrices. Catmull-Clark, Doo-Sabin, Butterfly subdivision schemes. Smoothness criteria. Modeling surface features using subdivision. Implementation issues.

Multiresolution representations of surfaces. Wavelet representation. Pyramid representation.

Polygonal representations. Mesh simplification algorithms: Schroeder, Rossigniac, Garland. Hoppe's progressive mesh representation and variations. Taubin's mesh smoothing. Mesh compression. Connectivity and geometry compression.

Overview of other representations. Constructive solid geometry. Volume representations. BSP trees. Image-based rendering and combining geometry and image-based representations.


Project Ideas

Lectures and readings Qake II tankStanford "Happy Buddha"

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Denis Zorin